Accel World vs Sword Art Online (Review)

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review Accel World vs Sword Art Online for the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation VITA.

This game is a crossover involving two different anime series. These anime series are Accel World and Sword Art Online aka SAO.

In this game, the VR Game-based realm of ALfheim Online aka ALO (Sword Art Online series) and the Cyber Program-based realm known as the Accelerated World (Accel World Series) have mysteriously merged together and Yui (A Navigation Fairy from the Sword Art Online series been imprisoned by a mysteriously new villainous called Persona Vabel.

Thus, Kiriko (Sword Art Online) and Black Lotus (Accel World) along with their respective friends (leading to over forty playable characters) join forces. Together they must confront The Seven Kings of Pure Color (Accel World), rescue Yui and defeat Persona Vabel.

The main protagonists in this game are:

Kiriko (Sword Art Online) (Male), Asuna Sword Art Online) (Female) and Black Lotus (Accel World) (Female).

In conclusion, I found this game to be quite the interesting crossover collaboration between two different game-related series.

(Announcement Trailer)

(Release Date Trailer)

(Launch Trailer)

(Game Opening! Extended Version)

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