Resident Evil Village Review by Nate

Resident Evil Village | CAPCOM

With the newest entry in the Resident Evil Franchise Capcom once again delivers a fantastic entry in the franchise. Set three years after the events of Resident Evil 7 Ethan and his wife Mia have relocated to Europe by Chris Redfield to start a new life with their newborn daughter Rosemary. One night though Chris Redfield and his squad raid the house, kill Mia, and kidnap both Ethan and Rosemary. Soon Ethan awakes in a village that is overrun by werewolf-like creatures called lycans.

After traversing through the village Ethan soon  learns that his daughter Mia has been kidnapped by four monster-like beings. The vampire like Lady Dimitrescu, The Dollmaker Donna Beneviento, The Merman like Salavatore Moreau, and Karl Heisenburg the magnetic lunatic who runs a factory that assembles a line of Frankenstein like monsters. All four of them report to the head of the the village Mother Miranda, a witch-like being. Soon Ethan must obtain all four of Rosemary’s body parts and stop Mother Miranda. Aside from the Lycans that I mentioned earlier there are other enemies your come across throughout your playthrough including zombie ghouls, gargoyles, and werewolves, all waiting to ambush you at every turn. These new enemies that you encounter in the game feel like a response to one of the few shortcomings to Resident Evil 7. The new enemies add a lot more variety to the game and add a bit more tension to the game.

,The new enemy types in the game also adds more combat variety to the game as well. While the AI in the game isn’t the smartest bunch they make up for it with sheer numbers. Around the halfway point in the game the enemy swarms begin to grow substantially. By the end of the game I was indulging in chaotic levels of carnage that reminded me more of a Call of Duty campaign than a survival horror game. This is a much different change from Ethan in the last game where he was more vulnerable, whereas in this game he is able to do more. Like climbing over fences and moving through windows this time around. Similar to Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil, Ethan, if he is quick enough, can shoot  flaming arrows mid air if you’re quick on the trigger. There are certain things in the environment that can help you even the playing field against hordes of enemies. Such as heavy machinery traps in Heisenberg’s lair or using a zipline to escape a wave of enemies.

A somewhat returning feature in this game is a merchant named The Duke in this game. Think of him as a Transylvania version of 7-11 he can be found at various locations throughout the map. You can buy various things from him including limited amounts of medkits and ammo, weapon upgrades, and various weapons as well. The Duke is very reminiscent of the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. Similar to Resident Evil 4 players can explore the environment and look for not only ammo but also healing items and like in Resident Evil you can also find various treasures that can be combined with others that you find in the environment to sell to the Duke. There are also animals in the environment that can be killed and have their meat turned to dishes by The Duke that gives Ethan a permanent health boost.

As great as this game is I did notice a few problems with it. For starters as much as Capcom and the internet hyped up Lady D she comes up a bit short. For starters you encounter her very early in the game and she’s the very first boss you’ll fight in this game. Plus not only that unlike a lot of Resident Evil enemies who stalk you  she’s pretty easy to avoid. Same thing applies for her daughters who not only are easy to avoid, they also all share the same weaknesses, making the fight against them all play out the same. Also towards the end of the game, it ends up turning into a Call of Duty campaign rather than survival horror game. Another problem I had was it lacked the scare factor that Resident Evil 7 had. The only time I was legit scared in this game was when I went to house Benevento where I was stalked by this freaky baby monster. That was the only time where I was legit scared in the game.

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (Review)

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Wallpaper and Background Image |  1637x1200 | ID:200837 - Wallpaper Abyss

Hello, my name is Charles, and I’m here to review The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age for the PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox and the Nintendo GameCube. This game was first released on November 2, 2004.

In this game, you take control of six warriors as you play through all three Lord of the Rings movies while aiding the Fellowship against the dark forces of Mordor.

The main protagonists are

  • Berethor (Human/Male)(Captain of the Citadel Guard of Gondor)(Weapon: Sword & Shield),
  • Idrial (Elf/Female)(Weapons: Sword/Elven Magic),
  • Elegost (Human/Male)(Dunedain Ranger)(Weapon: Bow & Arrows),
  • Hadhod (Dwarf/Male)(Weapons: Axes & War Hammers),
  • Morwen (Human/Female)(Maiden of Rohan)(Weapon: Dual Rohirrim Battle Axes),
  • Eaoden (Human/Male)(Royal Guard of Rohan/Rohirrim Outrider)(Weapon: Spear.)

The heroes you aid in this game are

  • Gandalf the Grey, 
  • Aranel (Idrial’s brother), 
  • Legolas Greenleaf, 
  • Gimli, 
  • Aragorn, 
  • Faramir, 
  • Gandalf the White, and 
  • Eowyn (Shield Maiden of Rohan.)

In this game, you traverse through nine areas, which are comprised of multiple iconic locations. These areas and locations are

  • Eregion (The Forest Outskirts of Rivendell/The Pass of Caradhras/Weathertop/The Fellowship’s Campsite/Moria’s Western Entrance),
  • Moria: West Side (The Watcher in the Water’s Lair/The Fellowship’s Campsite/Moria’s Mithril Pit/Moria’s Throne Room/Moria’s Hall of Records),
  • Moria: East Side (Balin’s Tomb/Moria’s Burial House/The Bridge of Khazad-Dum),
  • East Emnet Gullies (The Argonath/Rohan’s Outpost),
  • Rohan: Home of the Horse Lords (Edge of Fanghorn Forest/Snowbourne Bridge/Snowbourne Village),
  • Helm’s Deep (The Great Hall/The Deeping Wall/The Main Gate),
  • Osgiliath (The River/The Sewers),
  • Minas Tirith (Courtyard/The 3rd Level’s Gateway/The 7th Level’s Citadel) and
  • The Fields of Pelennor.

The enemies you fight in this game are:

  • Orcs,
  • The Wild Men of Dunland, 
  • Wargs, 
  • Goblins, 
  • Trolls, 
  • Uruk-Hai, 
  • Easterlings from Rhun, and 
  • Mumakil of Harad. 

The antagonists you fight in this game are: 

  • The Watcher in the Water, 
  • The Balrog of Morgoth, 
  • Grima Wormtongue, 
  • Sharku: Orc Warg-Rider Captain, 
  • Gothmog: Orc Army Commander, 
  • The Witch-King of Angmar, 
  • The Nazgul (Ringwraiths), and 
  • Sauron: The Dark Lord of Mordor.

 Throughout the game, Gandalf ‘speaks’ to Berethor by means of “Epic Scenes”; film clips which the player can collect and which feature original narration by Gandalf. These clips give context to much of the plot and serve to offer advice to Berethor of events in the wider world.

In conclusion, I find this game to be a complete anniversary celebration to Middle-Earth’s lore and history as well as to J. R. R. Tolkien’s memory and legacy. Thus, I recommend this game to those who are Middle-Earth fans of RPG (Role Playing Games), Quests and Action/Adventures.

Inuyasha: Secret of the Cursed Mask (Review)

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review Inuyasha: Secret of the Cursed Mask for the PlayStation 2. This game was first released on March 18, 2004.

In this game, the main protagonist you play will either be a boy or a girl, per your choice. In this game, you somehow end up being transported from the storehouse at your family’s shrine in modern Tokyo all the way back to feudal Japan. Once there, you team up with Inuyasha and his friends as you try to find a way back to your era, as well as to unlock the mysteries behind your newfound, cosmic powers called Shikigami.

The protagonists in this game are:

  • Michiru Kururugi: Male/Kaname Kururugi: Female (Main Protagonist)(Human)(Power: Shikigami);
  • Inuyasha: Male (A Hanyo – Translation: Half-Demon)(Weapons: Claws/Sword-Tetsusaiga);
  • Kagome Higurashi: Female (Human)(Weapons: Spiritual Powers/Bow & Arrows);
  • Shippo: Male (Fox Demon Child)(Weapon: Fox Magic/Transformation Abilities);
  • Miroku: Male (Human/Monk)(Weapons: Staff/Sacred Sutras/Wind Tunnel-A Cursed Power imbedded in his Right Hand);
  • Sango: Female (Human/Demon Slayer)(Weapons: Sword/A Giant Boomerang called Hiraikotsu); and
  • Sesshomaru: Male (Dog Demon/Inuyasha’s Older Step-Brother)(Weapons: Claws/Swords-Tenseiga and Tokijin).

The antagonists in this game are:

  • Naraku: Male (Demon),
  • Kagura: Female (Demon/Wind Sorceress),
  • Kanna: Female (Demon/Kagura’s Little Sister)
  • Kohaku: Male (Human/Sango’s Little Brother/Demon Slayer),
  • Koga: Male (Wolf Demon/Inuyasha’s Rival),
  • Utsugi: Male/Female (Main Antagonist)

In conclusion, I found this to be one of the best Role Playing Games that I ever played. The story line was very interesting and kept me involved in the game.  I would strongly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of all things anime.

Yakuza: Like A Dragon (Review)

Yakuza Like A Dragon PS5

The seventh installment in the Yakuza series (or at least officially numbered as such), Like A Dragon serves as a fresh start involving a new cast of characters and a different style of gameplay from previous installments, signifying a new era of adventures in the fictional Japanese districts.

After spending 18 years in prison for a murder he only claimed to commit, the main character is set free after finishing his sentence, only to find how much has changed since he was gone. Aside from things like smartphones and places now closed or open, he finds that his boss has apparently joined a rival crime group, driving out the one they used to work for. In his attempt to get some answers, he finds himself shot and waking up in a different town, one that’s struggling against a group supposedly trying to rid Japan of all and any crime. Joining up with the local residents, they work together to uncover the various mysteries happening underneath them, with a wide range of thrilling life-or-death situations to wacky hijinks happening along the way.

In a departure from the series’ standard beat-em-up formula, things are now handled in the style of a typical role-playing game, reflecting the main character’s love of them and his dream of becoming the hero of one, letting his imagination run wild as he and his new friends appear to take down enemies in the craziest ways possible with the multiple jobs they can take to determine their fighting styles, staying true to the series’ usual brand of action, comedy, and drama with some of the most stunning and detailed visuals yet in the whole environment.

Another trademark staple is the wide variety of activities to do in the open worlds, from helping out people and doing activities with your allies, to playing classic arcade games and managing million-dollar businesses (No, really). There’s also all sorts of side stories involving many characters and their problems, leading to some strange antics, emotional and or exciting moments, or all of the above.

Even for people who haven’t played the previous games, this could still be considered a good starting point without having to know about them, offering an overall fun experience with plenty of twists and turns not just in the story, but whatever else you decide to do in it. It’s certainly one of the most unique games in recent years and should not be overlooked by potential fans for its wider availability, setting a bright new future for the next adventures in the franchise.

Video Game Review: Pokemon Shield by Anna


On Christmas I got as a present: the game, Pokemon Shield. Even though I have not finished the game yet, I already have three major opinions about it. The three major opinions are about the design of the Pokemon, how difficult the game is and finally what I think of the story and its characters.

In Pokemon Shield one of the designs I dislike is of the new Pokemon called Alcremie.  The reason for my dislike of this Pokemon is that it looks like pudding or some type of tasty cream dessert. I don’t want to have a Pokemon that will make me hungry because it looks like a dessert.  In the new Pokemon games, Pokemon that were introduced in other earlier games, like Pokemon Red, appear in Pokemon Shield but with a different form. Meowth gets a different form, and well just look at it!  This is such a weird design and I was flabbergasted to see it. I don’t get why they made it look like this. I don’t see the point and in the last game, Pokemon Sun, it already had a form change so why make a new one?  It doesn’t make sense. I did like the design of CorviKnight. It looks like a Knight which is cool considering this game is set in the UK which makes people think of King Arthur and Knights.

The game, to me, is a little too easy to beat. I have not lost a Pokemon battle yet. Why this game is a little to easy to beat is because of the Pokemon camp. Pokemon camp allows the player to play and interact with their Pokemon and I love it.  However, in Pokemon camp, your Pokemon gets stronger because they get experience points which makes a Pokemon stronger and they level up. Pokemon camp can happen anywhere so gaining experience points is just too easy. I think they should just have a Pokemon gain experience points just for the Pokemon battles, not for just playing with them in Pokemon camp.

So far in the story I haven’t gotten much into it because I still am at the beginning. But, there are already a lot of characters with really cool designs. I really like the designs of characters like Milo and Nessa.  Their designs are really original I think they don’t get that much personality right now but I’m sure to see more of it later in the game. One character I love because it inspires me to beat him in battle is called Bede.  He acts like a stereotypical high class British snob and I want to destroy him in battle every time. I love that about the character. He is my favorite rival so far. The villains I can’t take seriously. They are just too funny looking with their punk like fashion style. It’s just them carrying trumpets and being fans of my other rival and it is hard for me to take them seriously to be bad guys. At the same time I kinda like them as characters, because I think they are based on UK fans who like soccer and are very into their teams and rivalry with opposing team fans.

So, despite some flaws of the game, I still have been playing it a lot and so far it is a good game just with flaws like all Pokemon games have.

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (Review)

Image result for epic mickey 2 the power of two

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii. This game takes place shortly after the events of its prequel, Epic Mickey. Unlike Epic Mickey, this game features co-op action where player 1 plays as Mickey Mouse and player 2 plays as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.


In this game, Mickey returns to Wasteland (a realm where forgotten toons reside) only to find it has become inert (due to the damage caused by the quake) as well as finding that the Mad Doctor has turned over a new leaf (which is in fact an act of deception for a much grander, evil scheme). As such, both Mickey and Oswald work together to save Wasteland and Stop the Mad Doctor. The game has two endings (the game’s ending  as well as the fate of the Mad Doctor depends on your actions in the game).


The main protagonists in this game are Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Ortensia and Gus the Gremlin. The main antagonists in this game are the Mad Doctor and Prescott the Gremlin.


The multiple versions of Pete we see in this game are Big Bad Pete, Pete Pan (Adventureland version of Pete), Petetronic (Tomorrowland version of Pete) and Small Pete (It’s A Small World version of Pete).


In conclusion, I found this game to be both magically heartwarming and spiritually, wonderfully amazing. Truly, this is a one of a kind Disney game that has touched and forever will touch the hearts of children throughout the ages.

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Game Review)

Image result for lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring game

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring for the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox. Unlike other Lord of the Rings video games, this game’s storyline is entirely based on the first Lord of the Rings book.


The cast of playable characters in this game are Frodo Baggins (Hobbit)(Weapons: Dagger/Elven Blade-Sting/Stones/Mithril Shirt/The One Ring), Aragorn (Human)(Weapons: LongSword/Sword of Kings-Anduril the Flame of the West) and Gandalf (Wizard)(Weapons: Elven Blade-Glamdring the FoeHammer/Magic-Fire Blast, Chain Lightning and Heal).


The protagonists in this game are Samwise “Sam” Gamgee (Hobbit),

Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck (Hobbit),

Peregrin “Pippin” Took (Hobbit),

Tom Bombadil,

Glorfindel (Elf),

Lord Elrond (Elf),

Arwen (Elf),

Bilbo Baggins (Hobbit),

Boromir (Human),

Legolas (Elf),

Gimli (Dwarf),

Lord Celeborn (Elf) and Lady Galadriel (Elf).


The antagonists in this game are The Nazgul “Ring-Wraiths”,

Old Man Willow (Tree),





The Watcher in the Water (Sea Monster),


The Balrog of Morgoth “Durin’s Bane”,

Uruk-Hai and the Fell Beasts.


In conclusion, I liked how they based this game on its novel counterpart instead of its movie counterpart. It was truly in fact an incredibly, ingenious/imaginative accomplishment on their part as well as an honorably, utmost praise to J. R. R. Tolkien himself.

(Opening & Intro)

(Tom Bombadil VS Barrow-Wight)

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Game Review)

Image result for lord of the rings the return of the king game

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review the videogame version of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King for the PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and Xbox.


In this game, the LotR characters you play as are Gandalf the White (Wizard)(Weapons: Staff/Sword-Glamdring the FoeHammer/Magic),

Aragorn (Human)(Weapon: Sword-Anduril the Flame of the West),

Legolas Greenleaf (Elf)(Weapons: Twin Elven Daggers/Bow of the Galadhrim),

Gimli (Dwarf)(Weapon: Double-Headed Axe),

Samwise Gamgee (Hobbit)(Weapon: Westernesse Dagger) and Frodo Baggins (Hobbit)(Weapon: Elvish Blade-Sting).

The game’s storyline begins during the Battle of Helm’s Deep with you playing as Gandalf. Afterwards, the game’s storyline splits into three different paths. The 1st path is The Path of the Wizard where you play as Gandalf, the 2nd path is The Path of the King where you play as Aragorn, Legolas & Gimli and the 3rd path is The Path of the Hobbits where you play as Sam and Frodo.


The levels in The Path of the Wizard are Isengard where you help the Ents defeat Saruman the White, the Top Wall of Minas Tirith where you aid in Gondor’s defense and Minas Tirith’s Courtyard where you hold the line as you usher civilians to safety.


The levels in The Path of the King are The Paths of the Dead which you explore as you seek both the The King of the Dead as well as the Undead Army of Dunharrow, Gondor’s Southern Gate, Pelennor Fields where you aid the Armies of Rohan against the Witch-King of Angmar as well as the Armies of Mordor and Mordor’s Black Gate where you make a final stand against the Dark Forces of Mordor.


The levels in The Path of the Hobbit are Osgiliath where you attempt to escape from Faramir and his Ithilian Rangers, Shelob’s Lair where you try to find and rescue Frodo from Shelob the Ungolian Spider, the Fortress of Cirith Ungol where you try to rescue Frodo and Mount Doom where you must both defeat Gollum as well as destroy the One Ring of Doom.


In conclusion, I found this game to not only follow it’s movie counterpart in perfect sync, but also make the story concept more action-packed/adventurous/mystically dramatic thus in turn making this a perfect game-related choice “For All Free Peoples”.

Sonic Unleashed (Review)

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review Sonic Unleashed for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii. Unlike other Sonic the Hedgehog games, Sonic will have two forms consisting of his standard form during the daytime and his Werehog form during the nighttime.


In this game, Dr. Eggman unleashes an ancient evil known as Dark Gaia which in turn shatters the planet into seven pieces, transforms Sonic the Hedgehog into Sonic the Werehog and renders the seven Chaos Emeralds grey and powerless. In his Werehog form, Sonic’s speed is diminished and yet in turn gains both immense physical strength as well as stretchable limbs. Now Sonic must restore the seven Chaos Emeralds, fix the planet and defeat both Dr. Eggman and Dark Gaia to break the curse of the Werehog placed upon himself.


The nine locations you visit in this game are Apotos (based on Greek Mediterranean architecture-Greek island of Chora, Mykonos Greece/Greek city of Santorini),

Spagonia (based on western European architecture-Italian city of Siena),

Mazuri (based on Africa),

Holoska (based on Alaska),

Chun-nan (based on China’s architecture),

Shamar (based on a Middle Eastern desert-Petra, Jordan),

Empire City (based on New York City),

Adabat (based on Angkor, Maldivian, and Southeastern Asia),

Eggmanland and the Planet’s Core.


The cast of characters are Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic the Werehog/Super Sonic,

Miles “Tails” Prower,

Amy Rose,

Dr. Eggman,

Professor Pickle,

Dark Gaia and Chip/Light Gaia.


In conclusion, I found this game to showcase the eternal conflict between light and darkness that takes place in the world as well in each and every one of us. But as long as we all stay true to ourselves, the light in us will illuminate our lives and the darkness in us will be in turn suppressed forevermore.

(Light Gaia)

(Dark Gaia)

Image result for Sonic Unleashed

(Dark Gaia-Perfect)

Image result for Sonic Unleashed


Sonic Generations (Review)

Hello, my name is Charles and I’m here to review Sonic Generations for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. This game commemorates Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th anniversary. Unlike other Sonic the Hedgehog games, You play as both the classically, retro Sonic the Hedgehog and the modernally, mature Sonic the Hedgehog.


In this game, Sonic & Tails team-up with their past selves to rescue their kidnapped friends, defeat both Dr. Robotnik and Dr. Eggman (Dr. Robotnik’s future self) as well as prevent an evil entity known as a Time Eater from erasing all of history.


The areas we travel through are Green Hill (Sonic the Hedgehog-Sega Genesis),

Chemical Plant/Death Egg(Sonic the Hedgehog 2-Sega Genesis),

Sky Sanctuary (Sonic & Knuckles-Sega Genesis),

Speed Highway/Station Square(Sonic Adventure-Nintendo Gamecube),

City Escape/Final Rush(Sonic Adventure 2-Nintendo Gamecube),

Crisis City (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006-PS3),

Rooftop Run/Eggmanland(Sonic Unleashed-PS2) and Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors-Nintendo Wii).


The bosses you face off against in this game are Metal Sonic (Sonic CD-Nintendo GameCube),

Death Egg Robot (Sonic the Hedgehog 2),

Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventure 2),

Perfect Chaos (Sonic Adventure),

Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog),

Egg Dragoon (Sonic Unleashed) and the Time Eater.


Sonic’s kidnapped friends in this game are Knuckles the Echidna,

Amy Rose,

Cream the Rabbit,

Cheese the Chao,

Rouge the Bat,

Vector the Crocodile,

Espio the Chameleon,

Charmy Bee and Blaze the Cat.


In conclusion, I found this game to showcase Sonic’s greatest, most historic hits as well as completely live up to its 20th anniversary declaration thus we should in fact feel the need, the need for “Sonic Speed”.