My Color Poem By Sydney

Image result for beagle puppiesImage result for pumpkin shiningImage result for red rose





Blue is an ocean wave crashing onto the beach. Brown is a puppy wagging its tail. Red is a rose in bloom. Orange is a pumpkin shining bright. Violet is a mermaid’s tail splashing in the water. Green is a cactus in season. Pink is a scarf blowing in the breeze. Yellow is a doubloon sparkling in the street. Tan is someone wearing a pair of shorts walking down the lane. Purple is a banner in the sky. Silver is a cupful of quarters. Gold is a sunrise seen through a telescope. Black and White are a Oreo cookie being dunked into a glass of milk. Grey is a Humpback Whale diving down into the deep blue sea. A rainbow is a multitude of colors that you can see in the sky.