Exploring Poetry at SEEDs for Autism

At SEEDs for Autism, writing poetry encourages creativity and self-expression. Poetry stirs the imagination and helps us grow emotionally and intellectually as we explore our thoughts and feelings in a symbolic way. It is an excellent practice for strengthening writings skills, cultivating a strong vocabulary and learning to think outside the box.

Here, participants at SEEDs created poetry inspired by their favorite colors.



Adventurer’s Guild Stranger Tides

In 1999 three friends were hanging out in a campground on a summer night. It was the first night of their trip and they were determining where to go from there. On that night it was weirdly cold for it being the middle of July andJon said he was cold.“Let’s light a fire.” Jesse said. “Great idea!” I replied and went back to the lamborghini to grab the ion cannon. At that moment a DeLorean came crashing through the trees. The door opened and Doc Brown asked “When the hell are we?“


To be continued…

New Year Goals

This year I have discovered I am actually good with drawing and sketching things with a pencil, nothing too complicated but for the next year I kind of wish that I could explore that area and try out painting or even maybe something like that. I like abstract things so maybe when I get the items to try to make a painting for myself as I explore that, or better yet try and just make my sketches at larger sizes, make more detail, add color. And even though I don’t have much of an incentive to do it I really want to try.

And a main reason I want to try this is because my —— is actually an excellent artist at 11 and has made, and sold paintings of her own and I’m kind of inspired by her and would like to learn how to do those kind of drawings.

Also Michele had inspired me also to explore more into the subject, helping me to draw and she even gifted me a sketch book that I have filled with doodles and sketches that I have created, another reason why I might make this my goal for 2018.

Christmas BY Keri

I’m going to Flagstaff this winter for Christmas and Christmas Day too. It’s going to be so much fun. We are going to open presents and eat tamales and rice and beans. We are probably going to the movies too. I hope it snows up there too. We are just spending just a couple of days there. I’m really excited too. This is are first year up there in Flagstaff. We are going to have a nice breakfast too. 




Hello my name is Daniel and I’m going to be talking about my experience in helping SEEDs move to our new location. We rented a UHaul truck for the move, put stuff in and we took it to the new facility and unloaded it. I unloaded the moving van with my peers Charlie and Kyle. We emptied the van together and put the chairs in the office area with the filing cabinets. Our instructor Nathan moved the cabinets on the dolly and put the chuck jaws in the wood area.

Sewing had to go in the back of the new place and Jewelry had to go towards the front of the new facility. The props went to the back but in the corner. My weight training became a very useful skill to move heavy items. We haven’t moved in completely yet and it is a slow process but we are making progress in the move. The old place is slowly becoming barren as stuff is being moved to the new place. We’ll be using professional movers for the big stuff such as wood lathes ,forges, kiln, anvils etc.

I’m looking forward to what the future holds for SEEDS.

The Legend of the Werewolf


By J.L. Wolffire


Prologue: The fever

When I was 10 years old my family and I took a vacation to place called Fever Swamp in Florida. Soon after a lot of people got sick including me and my family. The virus killed my family but I was still suffering. It felt like my whole body was being torn apart. The doctors on call gave pain meds to help the massive pain I was having and soon I drifted off to sleep.

“This is bad.” A Doctor said

“I know Dr. Freed.” A nurse said

“The kid is a fighter.” Dr. Freed said

“For now all we can do is make him comfortable.”  Dr. Freed said


-A few days later-


My eyes opened to a dimly lit room. I heard a steady beeping. My body felt sore. My sense of smell was way better than it ever was. And I can see in the dark. My ears picked up sounds I did not hear before. I felt better than I did when I was sick. Someone came into my room.

“Hey you’re awake.” A voice said

“Who are you?” I asked

“You don’t remember do you?” he asked

“No sorry.” I said

“It’s okay, you and your family came down with a fever that killed a lot of people, you have been asleep for about 4 days.” He said

“My family, they’re dead aren’t they?” I asked

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” He said

Tears started fall

“There is a family that said that they would take you in. They live here and have a place near the swamp.” He said

“I’d like that.” I said

About an hour later I managed to calm down and tried finding something be happy about. I sighed knowing it would take time. After a bit, I got dressed. Jeans and a sports tank top along with some really cool looking sandals.

 I smiled as I saw myself.

“Wonder if I can have my stuff from my house shipped out here?” I asked

“Someone is already working that.” Dr. Freed said

“So the foster family, when are they coming for me?” I asked

“I just called them, they will be here in about an hour or so.” Dr. Freed said

“I called a friend of mine to move the stuff from your house in the Midwest to your foster home.” Dr freed said

“Thanks.”  I said

Soon I was in a jeep heading for my new foster home.

“So you got a name?” the man next to me asked

“Jesse.”  I said

“I’m Jack, my son Danny is about your age.” Jack said

“Thanks for taking me in.” I said

 “The virus did a lot of damage and took a lot of lives. We moved out of town when it happened. Once they gave us the all clear we moved. A lot kids are left without families. I was one the many families that signed up to adopt those who lost their families .” Jack said

“Danny and his friends tell tales around campfire at night.” Jack said

“That’s life in the 70’s for you.” I said

“Yep, good times.” Jack said

“Do you believe in the scary tales people tell?” Jack asked

“Yeah, I love investigating them.” I said

“Lots of my stuff back at my old house helps me investigate them.” I said

We pulled into the house. It looked like a mansion and around it were cornfields and I saw an old mine, too.

“Oh I am loving this place already.” I said

“I thought you might.” He said

We head into the house and met with Danny. We soon became friends and we headed to his room. It’s a huge room, seeming to be a mix of pirate ship and forest. Danny was year older than me. He is really cool.

“So, up for a camp out tonight?” he asked

“Sure.” I said

As night drew closer we headed for the spot. Along way I heard something. It sounded so familiar.

“Jesse what is it?” Danny asked

“It some kind of noise, it’s so strange. It’s not far, come on.”  I said

I ran off towards where the sound was coming from.

“Jesse, slow down!” Danny called out

I did and he caught up and we came to a clearing.

“Ok, now I hear it too.” Danny said

We looked around and soon I stopped. Something wasn’t quite solid but was fast becoming so. With an echoing thud the object that was semi transparent was now fully materialized.  

“Is that a police box?” Danny asked

“Looks like it but there is more to it.” I said

We headed over. And I ran my hand across the wood.

“Feels like wood. But do you feel that?” I asked

Danny put his hand on the wood.

“That is crazy.” Danny said

The door opened inward and a man poked his head out. He was tall, wore a pin stripe suit, Converse shoes and had a brown trench coat.

“Oi Ello there.” he said

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Seeds Encourages Me to Be Creative


I am in physical control with the piece that I shape with my

Own two hands in the wood department with my own independence.


I feel free to express myself due to the energetic atmosphere

In Amy’s department.


I am also inspired to be myself and use my imagination because of

The inspiring people I work with.