Writing poetry encourages creativity and self-expression. Poetry stirs the imagination and helps us grow emotionally and intellectually as we examine our thoughts and feelings in a symbolic way. Through their love of poetry, many adults on the autism spectrum have discovered a powerful voice and a beautiful way to explore their own minds and the world around them. For October, we invited our students to create poetry celebrating what they love about Halloween.

Happiness Poetry at SEEDs for Autism

Writing poetry encourages creativity and self-expression. Poetry stirs the imagination and helps us grow emotionally and intellectually as we examine our thoughts and feelings in a symbolic way. Responding to an online writing assignment, the participants at SEEDs for Autism explore what HAPPINESS means to them by describing this joyful emotion through the window of their own experiences.


This article was featured in an issue of the SEEDs for Autism Newsletter. If you would like to subscribe and hear more stories from SEEDs participants, please visit our websiteThank you!

Thanksgiving Poetry at SEEDs

Writing poetry encourages creativity and self-expression. Poetry stirs the imagination and it is an excellent practice for strengthening writings skills, cultivating a strong vocabulary and learning to think outside the box. Here, participants at SEEDs for Autism created poetry to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Poem by Justin M.


Thanksgiving is family and fun

Thanksgiving we play games

We will have a beautiful day in the sun

Turkey doesn’t go up in flames

A wonderful thanksgiving chat 

I like pecan pie with ice cream

Don’t eat too much you will get fat

After we eat we get sleepy and dream

by Keri

Poetry at SEEDs

Writing poetry encourages creativity and self-expression. Poetry stirs the imagination and helps us grow emotionally and intellectually as we examine our thoughts and feelings in a symbolic way. Taking part in an exercise focused on self expression, the participants at SEEDs for Autism created a series of biographical poems.

Halloween Poem

Halloween is a black spider creeping across the blood-stained wall. Halloween is a gnarled tree tapping on the window. Halloween is a bright orange pumpkin shining in the pitch-black night. Halloween is the sound of children in various costumes going door- to- door. Halloween is witches on broomsticks flying through the air. Halloween is a gaggle of monsters on the prowl. Halloween is a haunted house in the middle of nowhere. Halloween is candy being devoured greedily. Halloween is a black cat bounding down the street. Halloween is a ghost popping up in  random spots and saying Boooooooooooooo.

Emotion Poetry at SEEDs for Autism

Writing poetry encourages creativity and self-expression. Poetry stirs the imagination and it is an excellent practice for strengthening writings skills, cultivating a strong vocabulary and learning to think outside the box. In this post, the participants at SEEDs for Autism use poetry to describe emotions through the window of their senses. 

My Color Poem By Sydney

Image result for beagle puppiesImage result for pumpkin shiningImage result for red rose





Blue is an ocean wave crashing onto the beach. Brown is a puppy wagging its tail. Red is a rose in bloom. Orange is a pumpkin shining bright. Violet is a mermaid’s tail splashing in the water. Green is a cactus in season. Pink is a scarf blowing in the breeze. Yellow is a doubloon sparkling in the street. Tan is someone wearing a pair of shorts walking down the lane. Purple is a banner in the sky. Silver is a cupful of quarters. Gold is a sunrise seen through a telescope. Black and White are a Oreo cookie being dunked into a glass of milk. Grey is a Humpback Whale diving down into the deep blue sea. A rainbow is a multitude of colors that you can see in the sky.