The Wood Department at SEEDs

My favorite department is the Wood Department. I have learned about working with wood and Mr. Ed taught me safety rules and how to use the tools.  I like working with wood because I wear safety glasses and gloves to do some sanding. I make things like pizza cutters, spinning tops and ice cream scoops and it takes a long time. Making wood products makes me happy.

by Dallas

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The Weaving Department at SEEDs for Autism

My name is Jake and I’ve been attending Seeds for Autism. At Seeds there are many departments I get to work in, and one of those departments is weaving. In weaving we make a variety of hats and scarves. We also make soap holders and other items. I work with the weaving instructor Bailey on Thursdays and she is really nice.

In weaving we learn how to weave and knit. The tool we use is called a loom. We use different types of looms depending on what we’re working on at the time. Because there’s so much to do, Bailey usually lets us choose what to work on based off of our strengths. I like working on hats and soap holders. Working in this department is really cool because I get to see the product as I’m working so it makes me feel productive. Learning things step by step is how I learn and succeed the best. This department also helps me relax and I sometimes wish I could do it all day.

Bailey is a good instructor because she is very patient when I make mistakes. She lets us work independently and stands by in case we need help. She teaches me things by verbally explaining and demonstrating it at the same time. By following along with her it helps my brain reinforce information given to me and allows me to be independent the next time.

I think everyone should learn how to knit and weave because it’s relaxing for the brain. It’s important to learn how to slow down in life and working in the weaving department helps me do that. When you do so many activities in life like me the most important skill to have is knowing how to give yourself and your brain a rest and this is what the weaving department has taught me.



Hello my name is Daniel and I’m going to be talking about my experience in helping SEEDs move to our new location. We rented a UHaul truck for the move, put stuff in and we took it to the new facility and unloaded it. I unloaded the moving van with my peers Charlie and Kyle. We emptied the van together and put the chairs in the office area with the filing cabinets. Our instructor Nathan moved the cabinets on the dolly and put the chuck jaws in the wood area.

Sewing had to go in the back of the new place and Jewelry had to go towards the front of the new facility. The props went to the back but in the corner. My weight training became a very useful skill to move heavy items. We haven’t moved in completely yet and it is a slow process but we are making progress in the move. The old place is slowly becoming barren as stuff is being moved to the new place. We’ll be using professional movers for the big stuff such as wood lathes ,forges, kiln, anvils etc.

I’m looking forward to what the future holds for SEEDS.

Pizza Cutters and the Art of Woodworking


Daniel takes pride in his work in the Wood Department at SEEDs

There is something truly wonderful about a unique, hand-crafted object. The feeling you get when you create – investing your time, creativity, hard work and dedication to transform basic materials into a thing of beauty is a life-changing experience. Whether it is a lump of clay, a ball of yarn, or a piece of wood… with you, clay becomes ceramics, fiber and yarn becomes a scarf… and a hunk of wood becomes a pizza cutter.. as unique and individual as the artist who created it.

A one of a kind pizza cutter


Close up of Daniel’s craftsmanship



The life of Thomas Alva Edison

Who he was-Thomas Edison was an inventor. He was born on Feb. 11, 1847. To middle class parents in the town of Milan, Ohio. He had adhd which meant he had a hyper active behavior which made his teachers upset and impatient. Thomas Edison never stopped asking questions and had a self centered view on life. He was deemed “odd” by his peers. He started his job as a newspaper salesman. He peddled out by the railroad track.


Three things Thomas Edison was famous for-

1.The first electric vote recording machine

  1. He helped Benjamin Bredding make the first two way telephone.
  2. He invented the first practical dictaphone

What are your thoughts about this person?

Edison was very smart and used his skills to create better items for the world. He had difficult beginnings and people didn’t always understand him but he persevered and never give up. I believe Thomas Edison is the most influential person that ever lived.


Hello, my name is Jose and I am going to write an article about my experience in the ceramics department. I work in the ceramics department with Ms. Ann Richards. She is very professional, but loving and caring person. I enjoy working with her. In Ceramics, I have learned how to make a bunch of items and make them fast. Before I learned how to make objects correctly, I was not very good. The first time I tried it, I would just slap the paint on. Ann did not like that! In order to grow, Ann told me to watch how Alex did it. Then I got better watching a pro at work. Alex really paid attention to his work. He would really go in and get every single divot, working inside and out from the center all the way to the outside. Because I am now a skilled ceramics student, I know how much paint to put on. It varies how many coats of paint I use and I also know about how gentle to stroke with the brush. Ms. Ann showed me about Painting with very light strokes to get the right quality of work.These are the many hard skills I have learned in ceramics. We make round flowers and birds and butterflies. Recently as in, last Thursday, I moved up to 3d objects. Mushrooms, for example. My experience in ceramics has taught me how to be a more gentle and attentive artist. I took 3d design in high school but did poorly every semester. Doing work in this dept. Has brought back to me a new sense of strength and purpose because I stunk at ceramics in high school but now I own it. Ceramics makes me feel good. When I see the finished product, I feel proud of myself. I like how it makes me feel when someone buys my product. Knowing, that someone is going to enjoy it later on gives me satisfaction because I know all my hard work went into someone’s happiness.